Death by Chocolate Cake

I finished this painting two days ago, but didn’t eat any of it, just in case. It’s half gone now though. Wow! I do love chocolate. I thought about it all day at work and was at the fridge the minute I came through the door.

I do these dessert paintings from life, which is such a pleasant exercise because most of my figurative paintings must be done from photographs.

Here is a poem for this week’s blog by Michael McFee. It’s called:

The Angel

unhooks her wings after another long day.
They are her glory but also a burden,
binding her chest and making her sacrum ache.
She reaches behind herself to unfasten
them without the least hesitation or thought,
letting the sweaty wings collapse to the floor.

The angel scratches a ticklish spot
and starts to let down the radiant hair
sometimes mistaken for a halo,
unweaving her braid as gracefully
as she composed its strands long ago.
But how can those backward fingers see?

And then she slips off her slip in the dark.
My heart is tinder to that holy spark.

Death by Chocolate Cake, 6×6, oil on canvas, Sold

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