Plein Air Painting at Perry Creek, Day One

Last weekend, April 12, Matt and Geneia and I went for a walk along Perry Creek in Black River Falls, WI, on a visit to my mom’s. I noticed a couple of places I’d like to come and paint. So, when the weather turned out to be so beautiful during the middle of the following week, I decided to go back with my plein-air easle. I asked my close friend, Josephine, if she’d like to go with me, so we drove up on Wednesday and got out to the Creek about 2:00.
I began, as I usually do by drawing in Cadmium Red, as Red is absorbed by other paint easily and tends not to tint the subsequent layers unduly. (Admittedly, this is not my sexiest look!) We tucked our pants into our socks to discourage the deer ticks and sprayed the pant lets with Off. Josie ensconced herself in a lawn-chair recliner with a sun-hat and a bag of books. She read me extracts from Vasari’s Lives of the Artists about Titian and Botticelli.

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