The Unlikeliest Hunting Dog

Despite the market wisdom of Daily Painter blog gurus,  that one shouldn’t blog a painting on a Friday, and because this was the week that my daughter went to France and didn’t have a thing to wear (meaning that I had to spend two days shopping and doing laundry), I am blogging on Friday.

I couldn’t come up with a solitary line of poetry out of my overtaxed brain to describe this “unlikeliest hunting dog”, my Pug, Velvet, with pheasants. The humor is all in the picture and in Velvet’s overt response to the “take”. It was my husband, Matt’s, joke. He took the picture and surprised me with it. I think it makes a wonderful, counter-Field and Stream-culture painting.

Mighty Hunter, 5×7 on canvas board, Artist’s Collection

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2 thoughts on “The Unlikeliest Hunting Dog

  1. Maria

    Friday, Schmiday! Everyone loves a pug, and never feel pressured to add great poetry…sometimes just a few lines is perfect!

  2. Nona Hyytinen

    Thanks Mia! If you come up with any good pug poetry let me know. I can use all you’ve got. Original poetry also welcomed!

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